Cream for enlarging male organs enables enlargement and strengthening of the penis and achieving success in sex. Sexual dissatisfaction, decreased libido and premature loss of potency are phenomena that are quite common in modern men as early as the age of 30.
Causes of sexual impotence are social problems, living standards, mental and emotional disorders. All this causes a violation of the hormonal background and leads to the need to find effective methods to restore male strength. Modern preparations developed according to new technologies, creams, gels for penis enlargement, strengthening and guaranteed success for women come to the rescue. But how true are the loud promises about the efficiency and safety of these funds.
What do these miracle creams for penis growth, strengthening and enlargement consist of:
- Thistle. Normalizes the amount of the hormone testosterone.
- Amino acids and proteins. They have a restorative effect on cells and tissues of the body.
- Lichen juice. It affects the blood circulation around the small pelvis, restores sexual desire.
- Collagen. Gives firmness, tone and elasticity.
- Peruvian poppy. Increases arousal, prevents premature ejaculation, promotes erection and stimulates blood circulation in the pelvis.
- Goryanka. Improves sperm quality.
- Triethanolamine. The cooling element helps to prolong intimacy by preventing early ejaculation.
- Muira Puama. The famous aphrodisiac, increases male libido, enhances sexual desire and arousal.
- Betaine. Sedative, normalizes metabolism, reduces stress.
- Dimethicone. Component that gives a lubricating effect.
- Ginseng, ginger, ginkgo biloba. They tone and strengthen muscles, regenerate tissues and cells, increase erections.
- A prickly needle. Stimulates sexual activity.
All active substances are conditionally divided into components of plant origin and hormones that stimulate blood flow, which contributes to increased sensitivity and the formation of an unforgettable orgasm. But don’t believe the description.
First consult a urologist and consult about the advisability of buying a cream. The doctor cannot prescribe a cream to increase the male organs to restore potency, because these drugs are neither drugs nor dietary supplements. Their quality is confirmed by appropriate certificates, but they cannot be called pharmaceutical drugs.
Therefore, before buying, carefully read the instructions for using penis enlargement gel:
- prolongation of sexual intercourse;
- increased erection;
- increase in penis size from 1. 5 to 5 cm;
- increased libido;
- strengthening male power;
- activates blood flow to the penis.
To avoid unpleasant consequences and possible allergic reactions when applying the composition topically, read the contraindications carefully:
- hypersensitivity;
- intimacy with a pregnant woman or woman during breastfeeding;
- alleged conception;
- violation of skin integrity.
Although each manufacturer promises safety of use and a natural gentle composition, the absence of toxic elements, it is better to play it safe and give up this wonderful drug for a while. You can get reliable and true information about any of the potency-enhancing gels by using reviews on any of the sites that sell intimate products.
What side effects do men who have used the male organ augmentation cream notice:
- small rash;
- broken capillaries;
- allergic reactions in the head area;
- temporary weakening of the erection;
- itching and tingling;
- the appearance of small wounds and ulcerative foci.
In rare cases, there was a worsening of the general condition in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness, migraine. Of course, these possible reactions of the organism are not indicated on the packaging.
Penis enlargement cream: principle of action
Penis enlargement cream must be applied correctly, according to the instructions:
- use the composition at least 30 minutes before the intended proximity;
- warm the organ with massage movements;
- cover the surface of the male organ in an erect state with a small amount of active composition;
- Gently rub the cream with light movements until it is completely absorbed.
The principle of the cream is based on an enhanced but not rough massage, which improves blood flow to the penis, the penetration of active substances into the skin and cells, the gradual restoration of natural male strength. It is impossible to say unequivocally, relying only on advertising and a large number of positive reviews and a small number of dissatisfied comments, about the dangers and advantages of these funds. The decision in this case must be made thoughtfully and independently.
You need to rely on your choice, based on how the penis enlargement cream works:
- In a short time. They act quickly, the duration of the effect is not more than 1, 5-2 hours. Can be used immediately before contact.
- In the long run. It requires constant systematic application.
- Auxiliary. Suitable for disorders caused by illness, stress or fatigue.
It all depends on the extent of the potency problem and the size of the penis. Before buying, it is better to seek help from an appropriate specialist. It is possible that problems with intimacy and sexual activity can be cured. And it is absolutely not necessary to spend a lot of money, to endanger your health.
Male Enlargement Cream: Reviews
The cream for enlarging male organs, whose reviews are mostly positive, helps many men. Today, the problem of small penis size has not become an obstacle for many men. The modern drug market offers consumers a large selection of gels, ointments, lotions, creams for penis enlargement - it is difficult to conclude which of these products is effective.
Most products are actively advertised, but at the same time they do not give the desired effect, and the prices of funds are inadequately high.
A special product in the form of a cream-gel is used successfully by many, the gel contains natural ingredients: lichen juice, triethanolamine, burdock extract, Peruvian maca, gorjanka. The elements have powerful properties, acting on the entire genital organ.
- improving blood circulation;
- increased sensitivity;
- strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
- increase potency;
- increase testosterone in the body and maintain its levels;
- prolonging the duration of sexual intercourse.
The method of application is very simple - before use, it is necessary to wash the penis, dry it, achieve an erection and apply the gel along the entire length of the man, together with the head. Next, in order for the gel to be better absorbed, it is necessary to massage the organ a little. Massage is recommended for 15 minutes every day. Already after the third week of using the gel, the manufacturers guarantee an increase in the male organ up to 3 cm.
In addition to increasing the length of the penis, the volume of the head also increases, and the organ itself becomes thicker and thicker. This increases the sensitivity of the head, which guarantees a vivid feeling when making love. Before use, it is necessary to study the method of application and composition in order to exclude the possibility of allergy to the product. The tool is available in specialty stores or can be ordered in the online store.
Opinions about the gel on the World Wide Web prove that it is the most reliable means of organ augmentation. The content of the product is natural, it includes: wild chestnut, ginger, ginkgo biloba and other components.
The gel for enlarging male organs, whose reviews are left by many men, has the following useful properties:
- accelerates blood flow to the head;
- increases the elasticity of the penis during sexual intercourse;
- increases sensitivity and intensifies feelings during intimacy;
- prolongs sexual intercourse.

The cream increases the elasticity of the skin cells of the penis and their growth, and also, as the manufacturer assures, ensures maximum growth of organ tissue.
The product contains an important element - dimethicone, which acts as a lubricant during sex. Dimethicone also has a protective function - it helps to avoid injuries to the head of the penis during intercourse, as well as during special gymnastics for penis growth.
Another equally important ingredient is muira puma - such a component in the cream ensures the complete release of the hormone testosterone, and also stimulates sexual desire. The product should be used only on the organ in the state of erection, it is gently applied with light massage movements along the length of the penis and its head. It can be used before the beginning of intimacy, 30 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse.
The creators of the tool guarantee an increase in the length of the penis up to 5 cm, if the tool is used constantly. It takes a lot of effort to achieve this effect, so this assurance of the manufacturer is being questioned. You can get the expected result if, in addition to the cream, you use special gymnastics or an extender.
Cream-gel is a drug that eliminates fungal diseases of the female genital organs and men. The drug is a good prophylaxis for those who have had contact with a partner suffering from a fungal infection. The tool must be used before using agents that enlarge the male organ. The medicine must be used throughout the course, only then will the desired effect be achieved.
The medicine is applied twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, if necessary, more often. You need to lubricate all parts of the genitals, the remedy lasts about 2 days. Sometimes the agent causes redness of the smeared places and there is a worsening of sensitivity, this is normal, all the redness passes very quickly.
Before using the drug, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic procedures to identify the type of fungus, if the patient is currently being treated or is being treated for the fungus, then the gel will be used as prophylaxis for 2 weeks.
While using the cream, it is worth giving up intimacy and masturbation, then the result will be expected. The refusal of intimacy is explained by the fact that the gel reduces the protective properties of contraceptives.
Grease has the following properties:
- increase in penis size;
- deterioration of sensitivity;
- prolongation of intimacy;
- prolonging the duration of the erectile phase.

It is recommended to lubricate the penis along the entire length, except the head, for better absorption, massage in circular motions, moving from the base to the head. The manufacturers recommend using the ointment for 4 months, and then the result will be expected and will last a long time. Doctors talk about this type of medication only positively.
The effect of the product was determined empirically in laboratories, and the results were visible after the first week of using the product. Consumers give such a medicine a high rating, because it allows you to solve intimacy problems in the shortest possible time.
The body noticeably grows and gets the desired size for the owner, and the feelings during the making of love become brighter and richer. On average, as consumers have noticed, the penis increases by 3 centimeters per week. Many users notice a positive trend in erectile function of organs, sexual intercourse has become longer, sexual desire has become more pronounced. Negative criticism stems from the fact that many simply do not believe in such tools or use them at the wrong time. With longer use of funds, the effect lasts longer and provides a full sensation during lovemaking.
All means are a great solution to many problems of intimate life, but achieving the desired result is possible only with an integrated approach to the problem. By using ointments and creams, you can get not only a large size of love organs, but also other useful qualities as a gift - a long act of love, the sensuality of caressing, the sharpness and brightness of all sensations and most importantly - the delight of a partner. Prolonged and intense intimacy is the key to a happy relationship between partners.